'197cm shooter' Lim Dong-seop dreams of resurrection: "Even if he gets criticized, a player must play"

'197cm shooter' Lim Dong-seop dreams of resurrection: "Even if he gets criticized, a player must play"

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"Even if they get cussed out, players have to play in the game. No matter how much they get cussed out, they have to play in the game."

Shooter Lim Dong-seop, who wore the Goyang Sono uniform of the professional basketball team last May, wanted to play. In the 2023-2024 season, Lim Dong-seop only played in 18 regular league games for Changwon LG.

The average playing time was 6 minutes. Lim Dong-seop's playing time has continued to decrease over the past four seasons.

Lim Dong-seop, who played an average of 25 minutes in the 2021-2022 season for Seoul Samsung, played only 16 minutes per game the following season. In the 2022-2023 season, his playing time decreased to 11 minutes, and last season, it dropped to 6 minutes.

There is a reason why coach Kim Seung-gi could not give up on the 'possibility of a comeback' of Dong-seop Lim and recruited him. In Korea, shooters as tall as Dong-seop Lim are rare.

When the 197cm tall Dong-Seop Lim leaps and shoots from the top, most defenders have no choice but to watch from below.

For Sono, who pursues basketball that greatly increases the number of 3-point attempts, it is welcome to have a player who can consistently produce shots regardless of whether he is on defense. Therefore, expectations are also high at the team level.

Not only Director Kim Seung-gi, but also Coach Kim Kang-sun pointed out that Dong-seop Lim should be watched for his rebound. Guard Lee Jae-do, who will be the center of the offense, also selected Dong-seop Lim as a 'player to watch.'

Lim Dong-seop, whom we met on the 13th in Taipei, Taiwan, Sono's training camp, expressed his determination by saying, "When I came to this team, I told the coach, 'I will learn as if this is my last time. '"

Lim Dong-seop said, "I was a player who had high expectations for me from the beginning, and I had many ups and downs, but the coach called me," and "I'm playing basketball happily because he's trying to make the most of my strengths."

He added, "If I'm on the bench, my value as a player goes down. 한국을 Even if I get scolded a lot, I'm grateful because I play a lot in the game and have a role to play."

Lim Dong-seop is the 'key piece' of basketball that coach Kim Seung-gi thinks of.

Coach Kim, who devised a defensive strategy based on the changeover of forwards in the mid-190cm range and trap and assist defense, looked for a player who could hit 3-pointers on offense as well, and decided to recruit Lim Dong-seop.

In fact, when Lim Dong-seop missed a shot during a practice match with the Fubon Braves on that day, Manager Kim yelled at him, saying, "If you're going to do that, don't shoot."

When Dong-Seop Lim, stimulated by this, immediately succeeded in shooting consecutively, Coach Kim laughed heartily and said, "You have to tell him not to make a shot."

Lim Dong-seop, who scored 11 points and 5 rebounds in 19 minutes in the match against Taoyuan Pilots on the 12th, scored 12 points and 5 rebounds in 30 minutes in the match against Fubang on the 13th.

Even in situations where the defense wasn't completely solid, his boldness in shooting a 3-pointer stood out.

Lim Dong-seop said, "One of the labels that followed me was 'I look insecure' and 'I hesitate.' It's different in Sono." He added, "There were times when I didn't shoot because I thought it was too early to shoot, and that's when I got scolded the most."

He added, "Here, you have to shoot in difficult situations and from farther distances than a typical 3-point shot."

The new season goal of Dong-Seop Lim, who has been noted as a large shooter since his days at Hongik University High School and Chung-Ang University, is 'rebound.'

He said, "I was a player who was gradually being forgotten. In the new season, I want to become a player that fans remember again," and "I will prepare well so that my name will be on the lips of fans at the end of the season."

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